South Royalton Senior Center

SoRo Senior Center


P.O. BOX 344
4266 VT. RTE 14

Phone: 802-763-7386      Fax: 802-763-7386    *51


The South Royalton Area Senior Citizen Center (S.R.A.S.C.C.) serves the Towns of Bethel, Royalton, Sharon and Strafford.  Many seniors from other towns come regularly to the center for meals and other activities.  The center is open Tuesdays and Thursdays.

There are two meal sites, one in South Strafford at Barrett Hall, serving meals on Wednesdays and one in Royalton at the Royalton Academy Building, serving meals on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  The nutritional program provides one-third of the daily adult nutritional requirement.  The number of seniors at both sites keeps increasing.  12,885 meals were served in the year 2012-2013.  We also deliver meals to the senior citizen’s home.

Fundraising goes on every year to help raise money for the services and trips.  Some of the fundraisers include center raffles, Thrift shop and our annual Craft Sale that is on the first Saturday of December, held at the Royalton Academy Building in Royalton, Vermont.

In addition to home delivered meals, services offered include transportation to the meal sites, Foot clinics, Blood Pressure clinics.  Often we have AARP come and do income

Taxes for the seniors at no charge. This past year seniors had the opportunity to go on the following trips:  Sound of Music in Danvers, Ma. , Tribute to Johnny Cash in Holyoke, Ma,   Christmas Show in Lincoln, NH and a 10 day trip to Virginia, Washington DC. And Amish country.  The trips are becoming more popular each year. 

The S.R.A.S.C.C.  Board of directors is composed of three representatives from each of the four participating towns.  We are fortunate to have Susan Pirie as our Director for both meal sites and Mary Lamb as cook for Royalton and Linda Ducharme as cook for Strafford.

S.R.A.S.C.C. Board of Directors

Martha Fisk- President

Kay Ingraham – Vice President

June Solssa – Secretary

Susan Coburn – Treasurer