Sharon Town Clerk

(802) 763-8268 ext 1 or

Debra St. Peter

The Town Clerk’s office, located in the Sharon Municipal Building on Rte 132, is a hub of town activity. Not only does the Town Clerk run Sharon’s elections; this is where you go if you want to look at town records (land, birth, death, marriage, you name it), ask a question about local taxes, license your dog, purchase dump coupons, renew your vehicle registration, or perform any number of other pertinent functions of community life. Many meeting notices are also posted at this office.

Vermont law entrusts the Town Clerk with an extraordinary list of duties, ranging from recording, preserving and certifying public documents to administering oaths of office, working with the listers on tax appeals, presiding over the local elections, issuing marriage licenses, and licensing animals. Town Clerks are also ex-officio notaries public and record all proceedings of town meetings.

The Town Clerk is elected at Town Meeting for a three-year term. Sharon also has an Assistant Town Clerk, appointed by the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk is an independent official, responsible to the voters.

Town Clerk Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday 7:00am – 4:00pm.